10 Things to Know Before Your First CrossFit Session

You’ve heard so much about CrossFit and you’re finally ready to give it a try. It’s about time! Just kidding! We’re excited to meet you and show you what this training methodolgy is all about.

Signing up for your first CrossFit session at FitnessLab CrossFit in New Braunfels is a big step but, and this is true, it’s actually the hardest step. Once you commit to showing up, you become part of a community that shares your goals and is here to push and encourage you to accomplish yours. Here are a few things you should know to prepare you for your first New Braunfels CrossFit class.

1. Eat first (just not too much)
CrossFit requires energy! To make the most of your workout, you need to have fuel in the tank. Have a small, protein-based snack or shake before you get going to give you the energy you need.

2. Bring a towel
It’s hot in Texas! CrossFit promises fast results but as the saying goes: No pain, no gain! And this means you’re gonna sweat, especially in our Texas weather. Be sure to bring a towel to your first class.

3. Start slow…
If you go all out straight away, you’ll end up with an injury. Stick close to your trainer and they’ll let you know if you’re overdoing it on your first New Braunfels CrossFit class.

4. …but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself
With the above being said, don’t hold back too much. Try some things you never thought you would be able to do. Surprise yourself!

5. Log your results
At FitnessLab CrossFit in New Braunfels, we use the app SugarWOD. We love it! Not only can you track your workouts and progress but you’re able to see the entire week’s worth of workouts as well as interact with your fellow CrossFitters!

6. Invest in some quality footwear
Most CrossFitters wear comfortable but tight(ish) clothes so their trainers can see what their body is doing. When you start, you may be happier in something loose, and that’s fine. However, what you’re wearing on your feet is important and is well worth a small investment. Our community can provide you with great recommendations!

7. Do some research
CrossFit will introduce you to a whole new set of lingo and it can feel overwhelming at first. Before your first class, Google a few CrossFit terms to understand what they mean. But don’t worry, our trainers go over every movement of every workout so you’ll never be in the dark.

8. Remember, everyone was you once
The most seasoned CrossFitters started as newbies with no idea what they were doing. When you enter the gym, you may witness some incredible talent and some inspiring bodies. But rest assured, nothing was achieved overnight! Be motivated by the senior members, not intimidated.

9. Listen to your trainers
One of the biggest benefits of CrossFit is you have a trainer working with you constantly. Make the most of this by asking for advice and taking cues from your coach. With their advice, you’ll be able to achieve better results, faster.

10. Bring a smile
This is the big one! FitnessLab CrossFit in New Braunfels has a huge focus on friendship and FUN. As well as working out, you’re setting yourself up for some life-changing friendships. Get ready to support and be supported while you’re on your amazing fitness journey.

Finally, don’t forget that your first workout is only the beginning. The feeling of being challenged is one you’ll get used to and even look forward to. Pretty soon, you’ll be a CrossFit expert, encouraging your friends and family to join you!

Want to get started? Book a FREE CrossFit class today!

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